Moments of Inertia by Rachel Crawford

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Ding! 24

I turned 24 today. This weekend has been a bit busy and overwhelming – but perfect.

On Friday I went to Dundee for some Marioke, which was fantastic. The event itself was amazing, but it was also nice to see some Dundee friends I hadn’t met for a while. Hopefully we’ll have another Marioke in Scotland some time.

Last night we had some friends over for a flat party. My flatmate had decorated the whole place in birthday stuff while I was out during the day (at edindies, in fact). That was a lot of effort I didn’t expect anyone to take, but really appreciated. She also got me a cake!

Natalie made me a birthday card in short game form, which was incredibly sweet. I’m really grateful for her.

Today I had lunch with my mum and I’m meeting my dad for dinner. It’s nice to see them both, as usual.

I’ve been barrelled over by all the folks who have checked in and said happy birthday, over the internet or otherwise. It’s not that there’s been more than usual, it’s that I seem to be paying attention to it more. I think for a number of years I haven’t really noticed birthdays – in fact last year I thought I was turning 22, not 23 – but this year has been different for some reason. Maybe it’s just that some things kind of settled into place this year? Who knows.

Anyway, thankyou for being along for the ride. Here’s to another year of us.