Moments of Inertia by Rachel Crawford

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Newington Cemetery

I’m lucky to live in a place I love. Part of its appeal is the leafy graveyard across the road, perfect for quick paces or leasurely strolls when I need to get out of the flat.

It’s especially beautiful right now, with the trees budding and bursting out in leaves of fresh green. The ground has a thick, shiny carpet of wild garlic. Amongst this verdance are the stones. Some are toppled, others still stand proud. There are obelisks, angels, urns and celtic knots.

Nobody has been buried here for decades, and nature has been set free to riot. Encouraged, even. The result is something special – if you’re ever on Dalkeith Road, you really should pop in.

The light does wonderful things with the ivy at dusk and dawn.

I hope you are doing well. <3