Moments of Inertia by Rachel Crawford

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ELG Age of Sigmar 2k League: Game 3

On February 1st (help, I am very bad at writing these reports in a timely fashion) I played another game of AoS at Red Dice Games in Leith, this time against Sam and his Slaves to Darkness.

The Armies

This time, the points changes had made it to the app, so I updated my list. Some Nighthaunt units had dropped in points, so I was able to swap out the Shyish Reaper a different endless spell: the Mortalis Terminexus, a big floaty hourglass. This turned out to be a good swap!

My opponent’s army was what I consider to be an archetypical Slaves to Darkness force: ranks of big, bad, heavily armoured dudes.

  • 10 Chosen (Mark of Nurgle)
  • 10 Chaos Knights (Mark of Slaanesh)
  • 2x10 Chaos Warriors
  • 3 Ogroid Theridons
  • Sorceror Lord
  • Chaos Lord on Foot
  • Chaos Lord on Horse

Everything was in one big Battle Regiment.

Round 1

I got to curse a whole 4 units, so I chose his heroes and the Chosen.

Out-dropping me, Sam made me take the first turn. I immediately yeeted the Mortalis Terminexus at him, although the distance was too great for it to do anything this turn. I think it might have been close enough to apply a mortal wound or two to the Chaos Warriors, but they blocked it with their special shields.

I cast Seal of Shyish (5+ Ward, same as Discorporate) and Shademist (-1 to Wound against) on the right-hand Chainrasps, making them extra tough.

Following that, I advanced my army up into my usual death-star-battleline, ready to weather a charge.

Unsure quite what to do with them, I deployed my Grimghast Reapers behind a bit of terrain on the right-hand side of the battlefield. I was still unsure about them in my first turn, so they remained there, safe and ready to charge anything that moved onto the objective.

In Sam’s turn, the Terminexus hopped over the Chaos Warriors and splashed out some mortal wounds onto several units. It’s a good little endless spell.

He was really hindered by the terrain bottlenecking him into his deployment area, but managed to get his Knights out and make a somewhat wonky charge. The closer unit of Chaos Warriors charged in as well, while the other unit took the right-hand objective.

The Knights hit hard, but not hard enough, only managing to take out some of the Chainrasps. It was a similar story on the left side with the Chaos Warriors. My units punched back hard…

Round 2

And then I got priority, and got to punch back even harder:

In my Hero Phase, Sam managed to dispel the Terminexus before it did even more damage.

The Chaos Knights and Warriors were gone.

In his turn, Sam threw in his Chosen, who get to fight twice in the Combat Phase once per game. The Ogroids made it in too. A lot of Chainrasps died, and Kurdoss took some punishment, but ultimately I was okay.

Round 3

I got priority in Round 3 again and proceeded to wipe out the Chosen.

On the right, I finally charged in with the Grimghast Reapers, who got stuck into the Chaos Warriors.

At this point, Sam conceded.


This was another fun game… for me at least? Sam said he had fun, but his units didn’t get to do very much. I think the thing that really screwed him over was the terrain in his deployment zone, which forced him to throw units at me in waves, which is exactly what I want because it plays into my counterpunch strategy.

I didn’t keep track of which Battle Tactics I scored in each of my turns, but I if I remember correctly I managed to score 5 points each turn.

I think my list might just be quite good! I know it has weaknesses (ranged mortal wound spam, deep strikes) but so far I seem to be good at mitigating them? Or at least have not come up against a list that can really exploit these weaknesses.

I enjoyed playing against the Slaves to Darkness, and beating them did nothing to quell my desire for my own army of them.

Up next in the battle report series, I take my dark aelves on their first excursion into the 1k league…