Moments of Inertia by Rachel Crawford

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Squig Herd

I’ve never painted squigs before, so this is somewhat of a milestone. I think they came out really well.

You can run these in units of 5 (plus a herder) or multiples of 5. I think when I paint more squigs, or if I come back to these, I’ll do something to make half of them a bit distinct from the others. I’d like each group of 5 to look a little bit different. Not wildly so; just some variation in patterns, highlight tones, whatever.

Here are the handlers!

I friggin love them, gang. Kinda bummed I couldn’t build the alternate versions of them where the musician is holding a pair of cymbals and the prodder has a mushroom-on-a-stick instead. I guess that means I have an excuse to acquire a second box, or perhaps pick up the new Start Collecting?

What’s next? Well, I was going to paint Hrothgorn’s Mantrappers because I want to start playing them in Underworlds. Then the local Age of Sigmar escalation league started up and gave me a big incentive to crack on with my Gloomspite Gitz. All my hobby plans were thrown into disarray, but now they’ve coalesced again and I have a detailed plan for how I’m going to get the Gitz done. So that’s what the next couple/few months will be filled with: more goblins, spiders, and squigs.

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