Moments of Inertia by Rachel Crawford

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I made more terrain. Some of it is just more CD-based scatter pieces like last time. Other bits are on cardboard and foamboard bases.

The main event is the three hills I made. The bulk of these is extruded polystyrene, cut and sanded into shape, based on a sheet of foamboard, then textured with Luke’s APS sculptamold-alternative.

I learned a lot from making these. I think my main takeaway with the hills is to be more aware of what makes for a good hill gameplay-wise as I cut them into shape. These ones are okay but not ideal: measurements between figures at the bottom and the top of the slope are a little awkward and the surface is a bit too bumpy. Next time I’ll try to make some hills that have steeper slopes (easier to measure) and some that are short and gently-sloped, so they can mostly be ignored for gameplay purposes.

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