Moments of Inertia by Rachel Crawford

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Two Warbands

Did you know this blog exists? I didn’t! Yet for some reason I have the keys…

Here’s a couple of Warhammer Underworlds warbands I’ve painted recently.

First, Khagra’s Ravagers. These are Slaves to Darkness - warriors and wizards sworn to Chaos.

I love painting gold. I’m always eagre to paint some, to try a slightly different recipe - in this case I wanted to try to replicate the gold armour of my Iron Golems but using Vallejo Metal Color paints instead of Citadel ones.

I’m fairly happy with the result. It’s not a perfect match, but I wasn’t expecting it to be.

As for the blue-into-orange fabrics… I kinda wish I’d just kept it simple and gone with purple.

Secondly, the Starblood Stalkers, who are Seraphon (AKA Lizardmen). A bunch of cute little skinks and one gnarly old saurus.

Lizardmen were one of my first Warhammer loves, having been gifted a moderately-sized box of them and the army book as a tween. I barely painted any of them, and I lost interest in the hobby shortly afterwards, but they made a lasting impression. One day I’ll do an Age of Sigmar Seraphon army, but not until they update some of the old sculpts. If the models in this warband are anything to go by they’ll do a stellar job. I mean, look at this Saurus:

He’s so much better than the old ones (but notably he has no golden angle for photographs).

Once again I had fun painting the gold on these, this time going for a more aged, but not weathered, style.

It’s been a while since I painted any Seraphon. I might make room in my schedule for more soon…

Since these two warbands, I took a brief trip into Reaper-land to paint up an Ogre and a Basilisk (which were both a lot of fun) and am now making inroads into the Stormcast half of the Dominion boxset.