Moments of Inertia by Rachel Crawford

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Ding! 30

Today I turned 30. Which feels good, I think?1.

A lot of things, good and bad, happened in my 20s. I learned a great deal, but I still seem be growing, developing, changing. Even just in the last year I have experienced so much change! That has been a Lot, sometimes, but it’s all going in a good direction. I’m looking forward to seeing how I continue my little journey for the next decade, figuring out what I like, doing things, making things, learning things…

Mostly I’m excited to see how my friendships continue and how new ones come along. The way my friends grow and change. Yesterday evening I hosted a party at my flat and was overjoyed to have friends arrive, chat, be merry, and eat my delicious cake. I promise myself lots and lots more of that to come.

Anyway. Yes. 30 years, good!

  1. Although I think I’m coming down with a cold. The first cold of my 30s, on day one! The humanity!