Moments of Inertia by Rachel Crawford

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More Sequitors

These guys are from Soul Strike, but they are also available in a paint set, Champions of Dreadfane, individually in Warhammer shops for painting lessons, and now in the first issue of the Mortal Realms part-works magazine. So it’s safe to conclude Games Workshop made a lot of them.

Tried a slightly simpler recipe for the green this time. Previously I would:

  1. Basecoat Waagh Flesh
  2. Recess shade with Drakenhof Nightshade
  3. Tidy up any tidemarks with more Waagh Flesh
  4. Highlight Warboss Green
  5. Highlight Skarsnik Green
  6. Highlight Skarsnik Green / Ulthuan Grey
  7. Highlight Ulthuan Grey

Now, going forwards, I skip the shading step and instead of basecoating with Waagh Flesh I use the darker, more blueish Caliban Green (an old paint that I need to find a modern equivalent of). This way’s a bit quicker and looks almost the same, if not better.

I’m still not satisfied with how I paint the beige tabard-things. They don’t quite have enough contrast.

Once again, the most time-consuming part was putting down basecoats, particularly gold. Retributor Armour is a decent enough gold, I suppose, but no gold paint has great coverage. Some other Stormcast models (like Liberators) are mostly armour so I can be more efficient by using Retributor Gold spray, but Sequitors (and Sacrosanct in general) are 50% robes. Something some painters do to help it cover is put a layer of brown underneath. Maybe I’ll give that a go, even if, intuitively, it just adds another time-consuming step.

I have one more Sequitor to go, but he’s just a duplicate of the guy with the greatmace. If I paint him up I can field a unit of 10!

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