Moments of Inertia by Rachel Crawford

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Marines Errant

I was planning to attend a Kill Team: Badab War event at the end of February, but in spite of my herculean efforts to swallow my anti-Space Marine pride to assemble a warband, I caught covid and couldn’t attend. Which sucked!

Nonetheless, by the time I realised I wasn’t going to make it I had already done all the hobby I needed to do, producing eight Space Marines of the Marines Errant chapter, all fresh, shiny and ready to wage civil war.



Having slogged my way through a Marines Errant kill team for an upcoming Badab War meetup1, I ignored my hobby plans and went straight for a quick win by painting up a unit of Darkshards. I’d already done one Darkshard for a Warcry warband and it made me excited to do the rest.


Hobby Plans - Early 2024

I have the next couple of months of painting all planned out, and I can’t stray too much from the plan because a lot of the painting is for meetups/leagues (i.e. there is something to keep me accountable). This means I can commit to writing a blog post about what I’m going to do, safe in the knowledge that I won’t butterfly my way off the path…