Moments of Inertia by Rachel Crawford

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2025 Hobby Goals

How do I see my hobby progressing in the year ahead?

There are some probable releases this year that may grab my focus:

  • Gitmob Grots for Age of Sigmar. These are confirmed for early this year, and will be hard to resist. I was a big fan of Rippa’s Snarlfangs, the Warhammer Underworlds: Beastgrave warband that heralded this release way back in 2020. I’m less of a fan of the new models being included in the Gloomspite Gitz faction, as I feel that there’s a bit of a thematic gulf between these sun-worshipping Mad Max grots and the troglodytic Bad Moon lovers, but if it’s done well then I’ll be on board with it.
  • Warcry 3rd edition. This is just a hopeful prediction but it seems likely as it will have been 3 years since the last edition and the game has suffered a bit of a release drought of late. I’ve played the heck out of Warcry over the last 6 years so if a new version (and its accompanying big box) arrives I will be very excited!
  • Weaver Courts, a new faction for Conquest, might finally be released this year. My friend Bair asked me to write about the models for Goonhammer if/when they arrive, and I eagerly agreed – I’ve been hyped about these extraterrestrial wood elves who fleshmeld with wild creatures ever since I first learned about them. I hope I like them, regardless of whether or not they match up with the way they look in my imagination.

As for my goals, mostly I hope to just follow my butterfly. I’m happiest and most productive when I’m flitting between different things without feeling like I have a responsibility to paint anything in particular. That aside, these are the targets I think I can commit to:

  • Grow my Kings of War Ogre army to over 2000 points.

Most KoW events seem to be held at or above 2000 points, and it would be nice to be able to attend one. My collection currently sits just below 1500 points. I was planning to reach 2000 points in 2024, as I was participating in a local escalation group, but Ogres were one of the many casualties of my hobby output dropping dramatically in the back half of the year.

  • Start a 2nd Kings of War army so I can do demo games.

The question is: which one? At present I’m leaning towards Halflings, but Forces of the Abyss are cute too…

  • Grow my Warmaster Wood Elf army to over 2000 points.

It’s about time I played some full-size games of this silly old system. It won’t take long to paint all the units I need to reach my target, as the models are very small. I just need to bite the bullet and place an order with a 3D printing place.

  • Scratch-build a fantasy tower out of a Pringles tube.

This is just one of those ‘bucket list’ king of things I gotta do before I die.

  • Upload at least one hobby blog post each month of the year.

I really fell off the blogging wagon in 2024, and I’m keen not to repeat that. A post per month seems like an achievable target.

Beyond those well-defined goals, I have other aspirations:

  • Continue building up my Cities of Sigmar collection.
  • Continue building up my Gloomspite Gitz collection.

I’d also like to play a lot this year, so why not set myself some targets (I’ll update the Count column as the year progresses):

Game Target Count
Age of Sigmar 12 1
Age of Sigmar: Spearhead 6 0
Kings of War 6 0
Warhammer Underworlds 6 2
Magewinds 6 0

Finally, I’d like to continue improving Magewinds. I’ll figure out what I can achieve on it this year soon, and get cracking.