Moments of Inertia by Rachel Crawford

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Hobby Plans - Early 2024

I have the next couple of months of painting all planned out, and I can’t stray too much from the plan because a lot of the painting is for meetups/leagues (i.e. there is something to keep me accountable). This means I can commit to writing a blog post about what I’m going to do, safe in the knowledge that I won’t butterfly my way off the path…


Splintered Fang

I began my hobby year by finishing off a Warcry warband I was painting for my friend Roland.

The leader of the Splintered Fang. A real all-time favourite model of mine. Love the concept, love the execution, love the pose. One day I think I shall have my own.



A few days ago I went to Walsall for yet another lovely weekend of socialising and miniature wargaming with the Discord hobby community I am a part of, Rollmodels1. This time for our venue we descended upon an old favourite, Board In Brum, although this was my first time at their current location2. It remains a great destination for wargaming, with many tables, shedloads of terrain, a well-stocked shop and a crowd of friendly regulars.


Warmaster Wood Elves

This project has pushed by miniature photography skills to their limit.

Warmaster was one of several short-lived Games Workshop systems released during its late-90s-mid-2000s Lord of the Rings-license boom era. It depicted 10mm-scale armies fighting grand-scale battles in the Warhammer Fantasy Old World setting and, like many of its contemporaries (Epic, Mordheim…), its appeal has long outlived its official rules and models support, which crawled along for over a decade before rattling its death in the early 2010s. Nowadays the game is kept alive by a devoted community of fans playing and developing the unofficial Warmaster Revolution ruleset, buying/selling/trading old official models, and creating new unofficial models and even whole new unofficial armies through the wonders of 3D printing.